The second, larger ark was built to match the measurements mentioned in the Bible: 135m long, 22m wide, and 13m high
A feeding trough aboard the ark. Huibers originally planned to populate his ark with real animals, but this idea led to protests. Now, most of the animals on board are made of plastic
The only live animals allowed to remain onboard the ark were chickens, doves, and goats
Instead of a mermaid, this plastic giraffe serves as the ship's figurehead
A plastic seal on the ark
The dodo, extinct in real life, survives on the ark
The giraffe that functions as the ark's figurehead, seen from below
Some of the plastic animals that inhabit the ark
Even after the earth's destruction, people need to know the ark's website URL
Real chickens, plastic sheep
A plastic monkey shows the way
Plastic horse, plastic rubbish bin
Collage of the eyes of all people and animals onboard the ark
Adam and Eve in Paradise. Apple not pictured
A dove, sent out to find land